Suppose you are a company or individual business owner intending to enter into an important business transaction or any legal matter with another Indonesian company (PT). In that case, you may wish to conduct research or check on your counterparty’s profile first.
It is important to conduct preliminary checks on your counterparty background profile before having such a transaction with them, this is because some businesses may be unreliable such that they do not perform their obligations, whether these are contractual, administrative, or illegal which may lead to serious business losses.
The company registry in Indonesia comprises detailed information on the legal background of the Indonesian company (PT), as it is registered in the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
The report contains the following:
• Company Status and details
• Capital and Shareholder details
• History of the Indonesian company (PT)
The MERP allows you to leave and re-enter Indonesia while holding a KITAS. Without a MERP, your KITAS would be invalidated upon exit. The permit typically lasts for the duration of your KITAS and must be renewed along with your KITAS if needed.
When should I apply for a tax ruling?
You should consider applying for a tax ruling when you face complex or unclear tax issues that could impact your business decisions. A tax ruling can provide you with the necessary legal certainty before you proceed.
What types of tax facilities are available in Indonesia?
Indonesia offers various tax facilities, including tax holidays, reduced tax rates, and exemptions, designed to encourage investment and business activities in certain sectors or regions. These facilities can significantly reduce your tax burden.
How do I know if my business qualifies for tax facilities?
Our team conducts an eligibility assessment based on your business activities and the criteria set by the Indonesian government. We identify the most beneficial tax facilities that apply to your situation.
What documents are required for a tax ruling application?
Typically, you’ll need to provide a detailed description of the tax issue, legal arguments, and any supporting evidence. We help you prepare all the necessary documentation to ensure a strong application.
How long does it take to get a tax ruling in Indonesia?
The processing time for a tax ruling can vary depending on the complexity of the issue and the workload of the tax authorities. On average, it may take several weeks to a few months.
What happens if my application for tax facilities is approved?
Once approved, you must comply with the conditions set by the tax authorities to maintain the benefits. We provide ongoing support to ensure you meet these requirements and continue to benefit from the tax facilities.
Are tax rulings legally binding in Indonesia?
Yes, once issued, tax rulings are legally binding for both the taxpayer and the tax authorities. They provide a clear legal framework for how the relevant tax laws will be applied to your specific case.
How does the Indonesian government decide who gets tax facilities?
Tax facilities are granted based on specific criteria set by the government, which may include the type of business activity, the investment amount, the region of operation, and the expected economic impact.
What is the difference between a tax ruling and a tax opinion?
A tax ruling is an official decision from the tax authorities, whereas a tax opinion is a professional interpretation provided by a tax advisor. While a tax opinion can guide you, a tax ruling offers legal certainty from the government.
Can tax facilities be revoked once granted?
Yes, tax facilities can be revoked if the business fails to comply with the conditions set by the tax authorities. Regular compliance and reporting are essential to maintaining these benefits.
Overstaying your visa or KITAS can lead to fines of IDR 1 million per day, and if overstaying persists, deportation and potential blacklisting from Indonesia are possible. It’s important to ensure timely renewals and proper visa management.
What types of cases are handled by Indonesian State Administrative Courts (PTUN)?
The cases involve disputes over administrative decrees, including issues related to business permits, licenses, regulatory compliance, issuance of land certificate, land use regulations, administrative sanctions imposed by Indonesian government agencies, etc.
What are the conditions for a state administrative decree to be disputed in Indonesian State Administrative Court (PTUN)?
The state administrative decree shall be written decision; issued by a State Administrative Agency Office; constituting an act of state administrative law; based on relevant legal regulations; concrete, individual, and final; and generating legal consequences for an individual or legal entity.
What are the grounds for challenging an administrative decision in Indonesian State Administrative Courts?
Common grounds for challenging administrative decisions include procedural errors, violations of statutory rights, lack of legal basis, decisions that are deemed unlawful or unfair, etc.
What happens if I miss the 90-day deadline to file a lawsuit in Indonesian State Administrative Courts?
Missing the 90-days deadline to file a lawsuit can result in the case being dismissed due to procedural non-compliance. It is crucial to adhere to statutory deadlines to avoid potential legal obstacles.
What is a tax dispute, and how does it arise in Indonesia?
A tax dispute occurs when there is a disagreement between the taxpayer and the Indonesian Tax Authorities (Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, DJP) regarding tax assessments, tax payments, or the interpretation of tax regulations. Disputes commonly arise after a tax audit when the taxpayer disagrees with the findings of the DJP.
How does a tax audit work?
During a tax audit, the tax authority reviews your financial records and tax filings to ensure compliance. If discrepancies are found, they will issue a notice of their findings.
What can I do if I disagree with a tax audit’s findings?
You can file a Tax Objection within three months of receiving the audit results. This is your formal request for the tax authority to re-examine their decision.
What happens if my Tax Objection is rejected?
If your objection is rejected, you can escalate the matter by filing a Tax Appeal with the Tax Court within three months of receiving the rejection.
What is a Tax Lawsuit?
A Tax Lawsuit challenges administrative actions by the tax authority that are unrelated to assessments, such as disputes over tax refunds or collections.
When can I file a Tax Judicial Review?
A Tax Judicial Review is the final legal step, brought before the Supreme Court to correct substantial legal errors made by the Tax Court. This is done only after exhausting all other avenues.
Can I resolve a tax dispute without going to court?
While negotiation is possible, formal out-of-court settlements are rare in Indonesian tax disputes. Our professional advice is crucial to exploring your options.
What are the typical outcomes of a tax objection?
The outcomes of a tax objection can be varied. The tax authority may fully accept, partially accept, or reject your objection, depending on the strength of your argument and evidence provided.
How long does it take to receive a decision on a Tax Objection?
The tax authority typically takes 12 months from the date of filing to issue a decision on a Tax Objection. If no decision is made within this time, the objection is considered rejected by law.
Can I settle my tax liabilities during the dispute process?
Yes, settling your tax liabilities during the dispute process is possible. However, this may impact the progression of the dispute. Consulting with a tax professional like our firm is advised before making any settlement decisions.
What are the common reasons for a Tax Judicial Review?
Common reasons for a Tax Judicial Review include substantial legal mistakes in the lower courts’ rulings, misinterpretation of tax laws, or procedural violations that affected the fairness of the judgment.
What penalties can I face in a tax dispute?
Penalties can include fines, interest charges, and administrative sanctions depending on the nature of the dispute. If a tax deficiency is found, additional penalties may apply for late payments or underreporting.
What is the time limit to file a Tax Lawsuit?
A Tax Lawsuit must be filed within 90 days of the administrative action you are challenging (such as a refusal of a refund). Missing this deadline can result in the dismissal of your lawsuit.
What types of administrative decisions can be challenged through a Tax Lawsuit?
You can challenge decisions such as denial of tax refunds, incorrect tax collections, or penalties imposed outside of a tax assessment.
What happens if I win a Tax Appeal or Tax Lawsuit?
If you win, the court may order the tax authority to revise or cancel their previous decision. This could result in a refund, removal of penalties, or a corrected tax assessment.
Can I request an extension for filing a Tax Objection or Tax Appeal?
No, deadlines for filing Tax Objections and Tax Appeals are strictly enforced under Indonesian tax law.
What is the burden of proof in a tax dispute?
In Indonesian tax disputes, the burden of proof lies with the taxpayer. You must provide evidence and documentation that supports your claim against the tax authority’s assessment or decision.
What happens if I fail to provide sufficient evidence in a Tax Objection or Tax Appeal?
If you fail to provide enough evidence, the tax authority or the Tax Court may rule in favor of the government. Therefore, it is crucial to present a well-prepared and substantiated case.
What is the impact of a Tax Dispute on my business operations?
While a tax dispute is ongoing, it may cause financial uncertainty. However, unless there are severe violations, the tax authority generally does not halt business operations during the dispute. Consulting with tax professionals like our firm can help mitigate risks.
Can I negotiate with the tax authority before filing an objection or appeal?
Informal negotiations or discussions can sometimes lead to clarification or resolution before entering the formal dispute resolution process. However, once a decision has been made, formal procedures are required to challenge it.
Prenuptial Agreement, often referred to as “Perjanjian Pra Nikah” in Indonesian, is a legal contract entered into by couples before marriage. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party regarding property ownership and distribution, financial arrangements, and other assets in the event of divorce.
What is a PT PMA?
A PT PMA is a foreign-owned company in Indonesia, allowing international investors to own shares and operate within Indonesia under specific regulations.
What is a PT PMDN?
PT PMDN is a company fully owned by Indonesian nationals or entities and operates under local investment laws with fewer restrictions than PT PMA.
What is a Representative Office (RO)?
RO is a non-revenue-generating office set up by foreign companies for liaison, market research, or promotional activities in Indonesia.
What is a Permanent Establishment (PE)?
A PE is a foreign company’s local business presence in Indonesia, taxed similarly to local companies and used for operational activities.
What is the minimum number of shareholders required for PT PMA and PT PMDN?
Both PT PMA and PT PMDN require at least two shareholders.
What are the capital requirements for PT PMA and PT PMDN?
PT PMA requires a minimum of IDR 10 billion in capital, while PT PMDN has no specific minimum but must follow general corporate laws.
Can foreigners be involved in PT PMA?
Yes, foreigners can be shareholders and directors in PT PMA, though restrictions apply in certain sectors.
What taxes apply to PT PMA, PT PMDN, RO, and PE?
PT PMA and PT PMDN are subject to corporate taxes and VAT; PEs are taxed on local income, while ROs are not taxed as they don’t generate revenue.
Can a PT PMA operate in all business sectors in Indonesia?
No, certain sectors are restricted or closed to foreign investment under the Negative Investment List. It’s essential to verify sector-specific regulations.
Is local partnership mandatory for a PT PMA?
Not necessarily, but in some sectors, foreign investors must partner with a local entity or individual, depending on the industry’s regulations.
What documents are required to establish a PT PMA?
Key documents include Articles of Association, shareholder and director IDs, a registered office address, and compliance with sectoral licenses.
Can an RO transition into a PT PMA?
Yes, but the process requires establishing a new legal entity (PT PMA) and cannot simply be converted; it involves fulfilling investment requirements.
Can an RO hire employee?
Yes, an RO can hire local staff but is limited in terms of its operational scope since it cannot conduct direct business activities.
Are there industry-specific licenses required for PT PMA or PT PMDN?
Yes, many industries require specific permits or licenses in addition to general company registration, such as those for finance, construction, or mining.
What are the reporting obligations for PT PMA and PT PMDN?
Both must submit annual financial reports, tax filings, and comply with local labor and employment reporting to relevant authorities.
What is the difference between a PE and a branch office?
PE is a local taxable entity for foreign companies engaged in certain business activities, while a branch office is not common in Indonesia except for specific industries like banking.
Renewals must be processed before your KITAS expires. We recommend starting the process well in advance to avoid overstaying penalties.